Tag Archives: Heidi Walter Photography

Seven ~ Manhattan Beach Children’s Photography

I posted a picture on Facebook last night of Jack getting an ice cream for his birthday dinner…my girlfriend made a comment that seven seems so much bigger than six.  And wow….did that comment hit me like a ton of bricks!  Six does seem so little….and seven, well hard to believe seven years have passed....

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Thank You! ~ Heidi Walter Photography

I just wanted to take a post to THANK everyone, for all the support and encouragement, it’s been an amazing year photographing my friends, new friends and reconnected friends.   I love to look back at some of the sessions and remember all the “little things” that made it such a memorable day.  So again,...

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Sydney turns ONE ~ Irvine Children’s Photographer

I can’t believe it’s been a year already.   Any parent who has ever looked at their little tiny baby turns around for just a moment and that little baby is now walking around and talking.  It’s that fast.  The days can seem so long and they years just fly by.  When I first met...

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The Getty Villas~ Los Angeles Photographer

When I first talked with this family, the mom had some really great ideas, one being; going to the Getty Villas in Malibu to shoot pictures.  I had no idea if it was allowed…or what the situation would be when we got there.  Well, it was beautiful, I only got in trouble once….the sunlight was to...

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Lauren & Taylor ~ Manhattan Beach Photographer

We are getting to know this family very well this year…  My son is in Lauren’s class and my daughter and Taylor are in the same class.  So, basically we just follow each other around town going from school to school.  And I think my son is a little partial to Lauren…but of course…will never...

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