Category Archives: Manhattan Beach

Kylie ~ Orange County Children’s Photographer

So, I believe I have mentioned in the last couple posts about the excessive shooting of 2 year olds….mind you, love them too, but there is something about a 5 year old girls (I have one myself….) that just makes it plain easy.  And this one was easy…and fun and she did everything I asked...

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2 years old ~ Palos Verdes Children’s Photographer

Oh to be 2…this was my second shoot of the day with a 2 year old. Each session I do, I really believe I learn something new. Today, I learned: 1. The are FAST. not shutter speed fast…like I could barely keep up with him fast…no more flip flops in photo sessions. 2. 2 year...

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Olivia ~ Manhattan Beach Photographer

You may remember Olivia in her ruffle bottom from a couple weeks ago.  Well I am now just getting to the rest of our session.  I have been so busy with holiday sessions and cards that I have barely had any time to blog anything.  So, if you have your photos and haven’t seen it...

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Brothers ~ Orange County Children’s Photographer

Boys…brothers….so fun!  I have a boy and a girl which is so different than having g 2 boys run around, run some more, wrestle, punch each other, jump around….and just be….boys!  They actually listened to the majority of what I said, which was pretty impressive considering we fit this photo session minutes before the oldest...

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Lauren & Taylor ~ Manhattan Beach Photographer

We are getting to know this family very well this year…  My son is in Lauren’s class and my daughter and Taylor are in the same class.  So, basically we just follow each other around town going from school to school.  And I think my son is a little partial to Lauren…but of course…will never...

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